You’re Not A Professor - President told G.L. Peiris

( March 23, 2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) “Let me ask you, professor. Don’t you have an iota of brain? Or else, are you making trouble for us deliberately? Why are you issuing such idiotic statements after listening to every Tom, Dick and Harry? Will you be congratulating India too, if India does this someday? I will have to take a decision regarding you very soon,” the angry president Mahinda Rajapaksa thus gave a piece of his mind to Professor Gamini Laxman Peiris, the minister of external affairs,  after the cabinet meeting held at the Temple Trees on last Thursday, a reliable sources informed.

The president’s outburst against the minister was prompted by the latter’s statement congratulating Russia over its annexing of Crimea that was owned by Ukraine. Unable to take it in, the minister has become very ill. Previously, after listening to a similar reproach from the sofa of a Geneva hotel once, minister G.L. Peiris had a fit of purging, and the Sri Lankan mission in Geneva had to foot the bill for cleaning up the sofa. We had reported that incident then.

According to reports reaching us, the minister was lured into making the statement by supervising MP of the ministry of external affairs, Mr. Sajin Vaas Gunawardena, who is known as the bagged boy, and its newly installed secretary, Ms. Kshenuka Seneviratne. The two had plotted together, organized a meeting between the Russian ambassador in Sri Lanka and minister Peiris , therefore persuaded him to issue the statement. “Sir, since this is a very sensitive statement, it is better if you draft the statement. Sir, do it yourself because others do not have a much understanding about the law as well as the English language,” Sajin Vaas and Kshenuka encouraged him.

Being tricked in thus, the professor has issued a statement congratulating Russia. After hearing out the president’s outburst, minister Peiris has confessed that he had issued it at the request of the Russian ambassador.

Meanwhile , the political affairs officer at the US embassy in Colombo, telephoned secretary Kshenuka, to get a clarification about the wording of the statement,

But she escaped and informed the officer, that she is unaware of the person who drafted the statement.

According to the well places source in the Government informed, “these are signs that Sajin Vaas Gunawardena’s dream of becoming the next foreign affairs minister of Sri Lanka while his brother is dreaming for the chairman ship in the Sri Lankan airline.”