Climate change: Bangladesh, Maldives and Sri Lanka have to take lead.

In this summer, abnormality of the weather of Bangladesh is a cause of anxiety of the people of Bangladesh. The weather forecast department is already observing it but the common people are thinking that, this type of behave of the nature has a backlash. If it heavily rains in the summer, the backlash may be a drought in the rainy season.

by Swadesh Roy

(May 29, Dhaka, Sri Lanka Guardian) From the very beginning of this summer, the sky of Dhaka the capital of Bangladesh is cloudy most of the time like rainy season. It heavily rains every day, storm lashes the country more or less every morning and evening. Forty people died in lightning in a week. Experts of Bangladesh say that heavily lighting is because of climate change. So it is seen that, climate of Bangladesh is going to change and its effects are coming badly in many ways.. It is the time of summer. Monsoon comes after May. It is normal that, from Indian Ocean monsoon enters the Indian subcontinent after May. On 31st May the monsoon, enters in Kerala the province of India and then it advances to the Ganges. Therefore, it is to say that, the behavior of the weather in Bangladesh is not normal; because before monsoon begins, heavy rain, storms and lighting already have started. 

It is fact Bangladesh is one of the worst victims of climate change for a decade. Bangladesh is one of the vulnerable countries by the effect of climate change of present time. The world experts say in the meantime that, more than 10 million people will be displaced from their address for the effect of climate change in Bangladesh. Two cyclones hit the coastal belt of Bangladesh last four years. One is in 2007 and another is 2009. These two cyclones have displaced more than one-fourth million people. Besides that, the salt water of the sea destroys fertility of land of the vast area. That is way; more than three million people have been affected by these two cyclones.
In this summer, abnormality of the weather of Bangladesh is a cause of anxiety of the people of Bangladesh. The weather forecast department is already observing it but the common people are thinking that, this type of behave of the nature has a backlash. If it heavily rains in the summer, the backlash may be a drought in the rainy season. If drought comes, it will be big strike on the rainy season’s crops. One year back Bangladesh also suffered from this type of drought. Government of Bangladesh tried to face the drought by the technology, but it cannot fulfill the growth of the crops. Therefore, Bangladesh had to face food crisis last year. 

Bangladesh is fighting in the international forum for the effect of the climate change. People of the world know that, cause of climate change is man-made. One of the main causes of it is the increasing of carbon dioxide. The industrial world has made it. That is why, rational people of the world are united now that, industrial world have to pay to the affected world. Most of the south Asian countries are facing now the effect of climate change. India had a big drought last year. Pakistan did not wipe out its last year’s flood affect yet. Bangladesh and the Maldives are the most vulnerable in this cause; Sri Lanka is not out of it. In 2010, Sri Lanka had faced a flood. Therefore, South Asian regional cooperation is very much necessary to face the effect of climate change. However, in Cancun summit, the people of this region have seen that, the state policies of India are not in very much favour of decreasing carbon dioxide. Probably as a developing industrial country, India is thinking, if their policies go in favour of decreasing carbon dioxide it will hamper their industrialization. If it is true, it will not in favour of nature and the people. Besides that, greenhouse effect already has hit this area. India has a long coastal belt like Bangladesh. Many people live in the coastal belt of India. People’s density of India is high. So, to protect people, they have to think about carbon effect. On the other hand, Bangladesh, the Maldives, and Sri Lanka are small country but they have to take lead to save the people of this region from the effect of climate change.

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