The Madhesis People in Nepal's Tarai

This term ‘Madhesi’ emanated from these Madhesi people that had no permanent residence in Nepal, but were constantly. It has been wrongly interpreted the meaning of Madhesi. Who are actually Madhesis? Are those who live in Madhes- Tharu, Rajbanshi, Dhimal, Muslims, Brahmins, Chhetri, Rai, Limbu, Madwadis and so on Madhesis shifting their shelters.

l by Dirgha Raj Prasai

(October 17, Kathmandu, Sri Lanka Guardian) At the current context in Nepal Madhesi politics is all pervasive. These Madhesi people have turned Terai into their threading type of holding. Nepal's Terai plain adjoins the Indian border. In Nepal Tharu indigenous people have been residing over a long historical period of time in the plains of Terai that stretches from East to West. In other countries even India Tharu people are not found. From the western to eastern part of Terai, there are Tharus' villages and in eastern Koshi there are Rajbanshis's villages. Tharu and Rajbanshi are Nepal’s true patriots. However some of them latter migrated to Bihar and Uttar Pradesh of India. Many people of the hilly region have lived in the plains of Terai before Prithvi Narayan Shah’s era. 

It is easy to travel in Terai in geographical sense. The castes that have entered Nepal from the southern part are Madhesi. There is no Madhesi named village or district in whole of Terai. Those who call themselves as being Madhesi are not the indigenous tribes. Many workers, horse traders, and those who sold their commodities on mobile stalls came from various states of India including Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. This group that came to Nepal seeking business opportunities and other domestic works was termed as Madhesi. This term ‘Madhesi’ emanated from these Madhesi people that had no permanent residence in Nepal, but were constantly. It has been wrongly interpreted the meaning of Madhesi. Who are actually Madhesis? Are those who live in Madhes- Tharu, Rajbanshi, Dhimal, Muslims, Brahmins, Chhetri, Rai, Limbu, Madwadis and so on Madhesis shifting their shelters. 

And, after the Loktantra (Indiacracy) 2006, Madhesis were successful into tricking the government to grant them citizenship certificates. After 2006, in the name of federalism, and under Indian effort, 4 million citizenship certificates were distributed illegally in which some native party's brokers were used. These people are now advocating the slogan of ‘One Madhes One Pradesh (state)’ to disintegrate Nepal, which is an old scheme, but which has now gathered momentum under this Madhesi leadership. It is questionable. When from the so-called leaders of Madhesis, Jayaprakash Gupta, Rajendra Mahato, Mahanta Thakur, Hridayas Tripathi and such renters Madhesie had taken their citizenship in Nepal? And why are they disturbing Nepalese unity? What can be a bigger betrayal by Madhesi than this? 

Dr. Rishikesh Narayan Shrestha writes, "There was only one identity of the Hindu state, which was destroyed. The national language was also destroyed. Nepal's another identity of national attire was also removed. The voice of disintegration has risen in name of federalism. Openly the defense minister warned of disintegrating the nation. Nepal's Tarai is not a special land (Birta) of any leader. It is a property of the nation created by the sacrifices of nation's ancestors. Astute Madhesi Nepalese people are enslaving the people of Tarai. They do not want development in Tarai. They only want to shout the slogans of Tarai and Hill to rule the people of Tarai and remain in power. 

The other residents of Terai as Jha, Mishra, Gupta, Thakur, Yadav, Dev, Singh, Gohit, Mahato and other castes have been living in this region since time immemorial, and they are the native people. The holy land of Janakpur is not Madhes, neither are Lumbini and Barahachhetra. At the eastern side Birat is not Madhes. Since the era of Birat King the area east of Koshi is not known as Madhes. Mithila Pradesh is a center of civilization. Likewise, Lumbini, the birthplace of Gautam Budha is not Madhes. For example, Tibet lies north of Nepal; Tibetans have been traveling to Nepal’s northern area for trade purposes. Can Nepal’s northern sector be called Tibet on this basis? It must not be forgotten that King Rana Bahadur Shah had married a Bhramin of Jha caste in Janakpur. His son Girvana Yudha Bikram Shah became the king and his subsequent descendents have sat on the throne of Nepal. The Jha daughter's ancestors are the Kings- Girvana Yudha Bikram Shah, Rajendra, Pritbibikram, Tribhuwan, King Mahendra, Birendra and Gyanendra. To understand this it would be appropriate for us to understand Mithila. The holy land of Janakidham and Mithila has been the center of civilization and culture. 

Now, the Madhesis' scheme is starting to politicize the Nepal Army, which will inevitably destroy its norms and values, has been a subject of dissatisfaction among Terai’s indigenous tribes as Tharu, Rajbanshi, Mithila residents and Awadhis. Bijaya Gachhedar is Tharu, but he is also converted to Madhesi as the traitor by the hint of RAW. As per Indian design a four point agreement was signed between Maoist and Medhesis party. And then, the Maoist leader Dr. Baburam Bhattarai- the most suspicious man became the PM of Nepal whose body is Nepali and mind is Indian. Due to his antinationalist behaving, the PM Baburam Bhattarai has got fizzle out. This four point deal includes 10,000 Madhesi youths into the Nepal Army, and the subject of ‘One Madhes One Pradesh’. In connection to this, Defense Minister Sharat Singh Bhandari gave a warning of national disintegration that 22 Terai districts would be separated from Nepal. His warning is highly condemnable. So, the pro-Indian Madhesis are very dangerous for all. 

Hiwatkhanda Nepal is the land where various Holy Scriptures as Vedas, Upanishads, and other Shastra (religious guidelines) had taken birth. This region is decorated by the splendidly curving rivers bringing the fresh waters of Himalayas, and the knowledge emanating from the meditative aura of many divine Rishis flows as thoughts. Himwatkhanda- Nepal is the origin of human civilization. In this land Gautam Buddha was born and the world was illumined with his wisdom. It is said, ‘Bodhisatya Mahasatya; Swayambhu Chaitya Namanyaha’. Before India was termed as Hindusthan, the creator of this nation Prithvinarayan Shah had said- 'Nepal is pious land. It is a right Hindusthan for all castes and 36 races.' In such a context the aborigines, natives and immigrant nationalities of this nation must answer against the conspiracy being hatched by the so-called Madhesis party.

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