UN RESOLUTION: Statement by Philippines

PHILIPPINES, Human Rights Council, 19th Session,22 March 2012, Explanation of Philippine’s vote on resolution A/HRC/19/L.2

Madame President,

( March 23, 2012, Geneva, Sri Lanka Guardian) During the review of the Human Rights Council, the Philippines opposed the introduction of a so-called «trigger mechanism » as the key feature of a human rights body. The Philippines believed then, as it does now, that a term that represents the culture of the gun and connotes death has no place in a forum that should celebrate life.
Madame President,

During the review of the Human Rights Council, the Philippines also opposed attempts to turn technical assistance into an instrument of pressure aimed at developing countries forcing them into submission. The Philippines believed then, as it does now, that technical assistance should be a tool for genuine international cooperation, not an instrument of influence or for the haves to apply pressure on the have-nots.

Madame President,
This resolution before us today is, in our view, a reincarnation of the «trigger mechanism», technical assistance as an instrument of pressure. If this is not a trigger mechanism and if this is true" international cooperation, then in our view the situation described in the resolution can be addressed through peer review at the universal periodic review.

The Philippines will, therefore, vote against it.