US Politics: Can Animosity Sustain America and Israel for Ever?

| by  Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD

( September 04, 2012, Washington DC, Sri Lanka Guardian)  “There are the times that try men’s soul”, noted Thomas Paine in his famous “Common Sense”, the lifeline to American independence. In situations of adversity and crises, competent leaders represent hope and optimism for change, not egoistic political agenda and animosity…………… Peace requires new THINKING and New VISIONS that American President and Israeli PM do not have except the WAR agenda. Both are victims of egomaniac politics. Would Peace and Security grow out of the nowhere? Threatening rhetoric of pre-emptive war strikes on Iran nuclear’s centers and the nuisance of individualistic political indoctrination do not articulate rational and responsible opportunities for rational and intelligent leaders to engage in peaceful dialogue or conflict resolution.

Conflicts are not the outcome of rational thinking but of sadistic and cruel mindsets. Those who plan wars and drive the mankind to the animalistic thinking and killing of each other are often fearful of the unknown. They view the humanity just in numbers, not an object of precious life and value in the larger universal context. Most often, these people are disconnected with the annals of normal human thinking and affairs, suspicious and paranoid and they see success to be achieved at the cost of ruthlessness, hatred, degeneration and viciousness - all part of their inborn value system, making politics a dreadful game of egomaniac mind, deceptions and strategic priorities. Zars and other Russian dictators, Hitler, Mussolini, George Bush, Cheney, Blair and now Obama are all the by-products of the same philosophy, policies and behaviors. In a knowledge-driven global culture of enhanced human communications and proactive visions for sustainable futuristic co-existence between Man and the encompassed Universe and divergent civilizations, we the educators and learners are to exercise rational capacity of thoughts, universal ideals and continuous intelligent foresights to change and adaptability to the future-making. This requires intelligent commitment to principles of international peace and security for all, non-aggression in the working of global systems, protection of life and a balanced ecological culture of co-existence within the encompassed Universe -Man and the Humanity. America, a leading industrialized power is indifferent to these pertinent factors of life.

Across the United States, the presidential elections are dominating the 2012 political culture and the world is watching nervously when and where the perpetuated insanity would hit next. It is predictably unpredictable curiosity of the unknown impulse; otherwise, the news media and war profiteering lobbyists would go bankrupt. To launch political campaigns and get elected, most of these politicians rely on consultants and strategic advisors. Once in office, these dummies cannot distinguish between the role of a national leader and a political campaigner. Often they lack moral and intellectual leadership visions, traits and proactive know-how. They flunk and always seek advisory opinions rather than having their own capability for change and adaptability to the new role-play. They enforce individualistic ambitions to be politician in policies and practices rather than a competent leader, always thinking to be re-elected and nothing else. People and nations lose precious time and opportunities for change because of the folly of the so called leaders. Modern democratic norms are fast becoming obsolete in relations to the interests of the masses.

Throughout the decade long Iraq war, the Pentagon and the European hired mercenaries refused to count the civilian causalities in Iraq but impartial observations put the civilian figures killed, tortured to deaths including Abu Ghraib, Fluodga, Baghdad and across the land of the ancient in the range of three millions lives destroyed by the genocidal acts against people and humanity who had neither threatened nor had the ability to harm the US-European national sovereignty or countries. Would those responsible - George Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney and Tony Blair and so many others be brought to justice as was the case at Nuremberg trials and Japan after the WW2? Redefined NATO gets new life to cover its past failure in dealing with the USSR and to waging unchartered wars in the region of Afghanistan, Pakistan and the drone attacks, hired private mercenaries from Eastern Europe, CIA secret 100 or so offshore investigative centers in many former Eastern European - Middle Eastern hired Arab outlets are the framework of global terrorism planned and executed by the superpowers.

The US foreign policy is intimately linked to its geo-political grandeur interests not to the COMMON THINKING and primary interests of the masses. The biggest anti Iraq- Afghan wars rallies and protests were launched within the American - European people’s moral and intellectual cultural environment. The Middle East captive Arab-Muslim population showed no humanitarian reactions to the onslaught of the fellow human beings at Guantamobay, Abu Ghraib and Belgram prison in Afghanistan. Their leaders were complacent in the Bush led Crusade against Islam - few princely monsters gave logistical support to the US-Britain invasion of Iraq in 2003 – ultimately reasons for Iraq’s destructions and genocide - what a moral and intellectual tragedy that cannot be rationalized.

There is a continuing evolution of the WAR THINKING and conflict-making and conflict-keeping against Iran within the aegis of the current Obama presidency, more so now into the re-election agenda of the incumbent President. Have we learned anything from the past to change anything because of the knowledge, history and facts of life to know our weaknesses and strengths of vision and to change and reform our minds and behavior when facts warrant a change, be it in policy making or global interactive behaviors? After all listening and learning are critical factors for the changing role of the 21st century political leadership and so is the flexibility mechanism to be built-in for effective leadership. But there are no intelligent and proactive leaders with a vision of the FUTURE to see the ONE Humanity except naïve and self-geared egomaniac full of the sensation of power using triviality and viciousness to torture and kill the mankind and destroy ecological habitats. But contrary to the brutal perceptions and actions of the US-former Europeans imperialists, the international community is informed, mature, and enjoys the moral and intellectual capacity to know and understand the facts of life and to challenge the politically imperiled insensitivity to universal accord and UNITY of the mankind against brutality of the Terrorism of Wars that unites them with a common fate more than divides them by any token of adversity and separate national identities.

Progressively evolving is a new information-age plausible global culture of THINKING of ONE HUMANITY and a new proactive civilization of strong bonds and affinity of people to people cultural communications – citizenry participation in social, economic and political THINKING and Globalization - man in one part of the world feels, thinks and acts-reacts to what happens to any man in another remote corners of the globe. Mankind is neither blind, nor inept, it defines its own purpose, meaning and identity for peace and harmony that the established institutions of governance - be it in America or Europe or elsewhere miserably failed to recognize or value their importance in global political affairs. Given the inherent systematic deficiencies and moral and intellectual corruption in the US - European – worldwide political governance and policy formulation toward the international community, the global community is actively organized and morally and intellectually powerful to halt all the belligerent nightmares planned and orchestrated by the upcoming warmongering against Iran. Contrary to the media’s misgivings, there are 120 nonaligned nations and strong Western scholarly opinions and thrust of public reason to support Iran in its stance and its right to enrich uranium. Iran a signatory of the NPT, not Israel.

For the first time in American history, when an African colored man walked into the White House, he promised to change the US belligerent policies and practices and showed interest to make peace across the globe. But it was all delusional politics to win the elections. Paul Craig Roberts called him “The World’s Least Powerful Man – the Obama Puppet”, rescinding all his commitments to “Yes We Can” and global peacemaking. Obama and Netanyahu both have serious problems of self-awareness and intellectual consciousness of the realities of prevalent culture and civilizations if they wish to pursue animosities and preemptive war attacks. They should first know the perceived enemy to be relevant and effective for their own good. America is just over two centuries old, and Israel was established in 1948. America will identify itself with the progressively information-age changing culture of scientific and technological era and Israel is still in its infancy in cultural context to claim value. Iran has thousands of years of culture and flourishing civilization. Claiming to be rational, if you start throwing stones in the sea, the water of the sea will not change its course; you will simply be wasting your time and energies with abnormal acts of behavior. Some onlookers at sea sites could THINK, you have some mental disorder. Rational people are always open to listening and learning and to change their views and stance for a navigational change when facts of life warrant a change but irrational people insist on individualistic absolutism and never make out of the darkness. Obama and Nentanhyu do not know the people of Iran nor understand the Arab-Islamic culture and civilization to deal with them. There are no problems except America and Israel is creating new ones for their sake. This is what caused strategic failures to the US-NATO in Iraq and Afghanistan. The animosity dots are disconnected. Obama apologized for the unknowing act of the Qur’an burning in Kabul. Thomas Jefferson had three volume copies of the Al-Qura’an (English translation) in the library that he used to devise legal jurisprudence and moral and intellectual stipulations for rights and obligations for the American Constitution. Was this historical fact unknown to the US politicians-leaders? Muslims know, believe and respect the Bible and Talmud (Torah) as part of the Abrahamic monotheistic faith. For centuries, the Europeans religiously persecuted Jews, and finally the Holocaust that was planned and carried out by the Europeans, not by Arabs, Muslims or Iranian. Recall, throughout the formative history, who took the dispersed and persecuted Jews to safety, equal rights and protections and honored them with distinctions of participation in the Arab intellectual culture and governance - The Arab civilization in al-Al Andalusia- Spain for eight hundred years - longest period of any human civilization. There is lot of learning for the both to come to understand how they want to move to the future of perceived confrontations. What if Obama had the courage to act like Anwar Saddat - the Egyptian President who took initiatives to go to Tel Aviv and address the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) for a new beginning in the dull and crazy Middle East politics? Could Obama have not done the same to go to Iran or invite Khomeini – President Amideenjadad to Washington to have face to face dialogue? Would this have stopped the earth from rotating against the sun or would the sky have fallen on the Antarctica? Intellectually enlightened and morally spirited scholars and experts hold the view that all man-made problems are solvable given the will and rational flexibility and strategies to find workable solutions. The mankind views these leaders performing acts of absurdity on stage with frustration and dismay. Are the leaders not supposed to lead? Do the Americans and the Europeans have any intelligent leaders who can lead for the larger interests, peace and global security of the humanity? The forthcoming presidential elections in America do not indicate any hope for change in the status-quo of its policies and behaviors in international affairs.

Comforting the major paradoxes of history as Arnold Toynbee (A Study of History) described warrior as dreamers devoid of moral and intellectual imagination when they come close to stagnation they jump to irrational outbursts and conclusions about the facts of life. Wrong people, glued to wrong THINKING, do the wrong things without any rational sense of time, people’s interest and history. Obama failed to see the interest of the global community to a peaceful approach to conflict management through dialogue and non-rhetoric belligerent statements. Naïve egoism and one-sided complacency to Israel’s interest cannot further the cause of peace in the region but an America free to think on its own and defining its own policy free of the lobbyists entrapment could opt out of the political fantasy to global outreach to regain respect and reentry into global moral and intellectual consciousness.

The hired media agents of influence continue to poison the masses of war against Iran. Every day, there are more irrational and abstract accusations of the nuclear development program in Iran. For sure, the large segments of mankind do not believe in these theories and vicious propaganda onslaught. Obama needs Israeli lobbyists support and money to get re-elected. To Obama’s mind, America and Israel do have historical bonds of friendship but in a global context they are disconnected to the rest of the international community. America and Israel are alone, not part of the global thinking and agenda for peace and co-existence. America and Israel need a political and intellectual challenge to come to terms with peace and security but the oil-soaked blood-tainted authoritarian and intellectually sold out oil producing Arab leaders cannot provide one. The global community wants to see America and Israel held accountable for their warmongering fever against non-nuclear Iran. Iran is not a nuclear power now, it cannot be in the near future, so what is the fuss about? If Obama and Netanyahu cannot think responsibly and are wrong in their claims, should the world believe them for anything? Aggressive THINKING is propagated, echo of peace is silenced. Peace requires new THINKING and New VISIONS that American President and Israeli PM do not have except the WAR agenda. Would Peace and Security grow out of the nowhere? Threatening rhetoric of pre-emptive war strikes on Iran nuclear’s centers and the nuisance of individualistic political indoctrination do not articulate rational and responsible opportunities for rational and intelligent people to engage in peaceful dialogue or conflict resolution. There is no scarcity of proactive Jewish intellectuals and scholars in Israel and America enriched with political imagination and strong sense of the global humanity and people who love peace and harmony with the Arabs and Palestinians, and likewise American thinkers and political visionaries who could do a better job than Netanyahu and Obama’s warrior mindsets. Moving facts of life speak louder than dry inked words. Ignorance of the facts of life, intransigence and aggression against the creations of God and Planet do not cultivate opportunities for peacemaking. Nobody in the region has the capacity or will to threaten Israel or America’s security. Obama failed to see the bigger picture of the American national interests and the converging essence of the vital interests of the international community; he remained entangled to worship the form in attracting roaring applause and forgot the essence of peace and security. In a political culture overwhelmed with 2012 presidential election agenda and much charged by conscious intransigence of the few, America and Israel are fearful of the unknown and have no vision for peace and co-existence either in the region or in a global context. Peace and security are not one sided pursuits nor can be experimented in a lab. There are many who could a better and more productive leadership in America and Israel. America and Israel both need change for their future. Both desperately proactive, culturally conscientious and intellectual unbiased leaders who could see the bigger picture of futuristic world - a different world of tomorrow of peace and co-existence rather than perpetuated animosity and extreme naïve belligerent behaviors, leaders who will serve the people and could learn to make a navigational change and adaptability to the making of a promising future for all the mankind. Paul Craig Roberts (“the Next War on Washington’s Agenda.” OpenEdnews: 01/12/2012) offers an insight to the political dilemma facing the American masses:

We, as Americans, need to ask ourselves what all this is about? Why is our government so provocative toward Islam, Russia, China, Iran? What purpose, whose purpose is being served? Certainly not ours…………Where do we go from here? If not to nuclear destruction, Americans must wake up. Football games, porn, and shopping malls are one thing. Survival of human life is another. Washington, that is, "representative government," consists only of a few powerful vested interests. These private interests, not the American people, control the US government. That is why nothing that the US government does benefits the American people.

(Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest: Global Peace and Conflict Management: Man and Humanity in Search of New Thinking. Lambert Publishing Germany, May 2012)